Do you like gifts?

tuesday toolbox Feb 18, 2020

Do you like receiving gifts? Of course, you do, who doesn't? But bringing a culture of gift-giving to your workplace can be tricky to navigate. As a leader, it is important to understand that appreciation takes many forms and one form is giving gifts.

But this doesn't have to conform to traditional ideas of gift-giving. The best part of being the leader of your organization is that you can determine what fits within your company culture and values while ensuring that you are respectful of those that you wish to feel the appreciation you are seeking to provide.

Consider creating a program where employees can select from rewards or "gifts" that are right for you and your business.

Examples could include:

  • A day off/extra vacation day
  • Taking them to a special lunch
  • A massage/spa day - especially if you have completed a stressful project
  • Tickets to a local event/team/location

Other ideas can be providing a team member with an opportunity they have been interested in such as attending an event or conference that will help them gain exposure and grow their professional development.

The idea is to get creative and balance what you think your team will enjoy with what works for you and your business.

The best place to start is by creating an Employee Appreciation program and communicating it. This will set the expectation and give an air of excitement in your workplace. Individuals will know their work will be appreciated and will likely work even harder. This will also help you manage the program and keep to a budget.

From there, consider how formal you want the program to be. The more employees or individuals that will be included, the more detail you may want to put into the program. If you work with mostly contractors or a small workforce, you have more freedom to add in creativity and get to know what speaks to those you will be appreciating.

The key to all of this is to have a plan, integrate into your culture, and ensure you follow through.

For more support:

37 Employee Appreciation Ideas click here

19 Creative and Sincere Employee Appreciation Ideas click here

Do you have an employee appreciation program? Are you a WBE? Jump into the community and let us know what works for you and your business. 

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